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Torrent stuck on - Версия для печати

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Torrent stuck on - UncleEddiot - 11-12-2014

Hey everyone I'm fairly new to the metal-tracker and I have a question. I have about 4 or 5 torrents that have stopped downloading at various points.

There is one that I started to dl about a week ago, it got to 87% and stopped and never finished. Are these torrents that have not finished bad or no good or dead or do I just need to wait a while?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Torrent stuck on - Nihilist - 11-12-2014

Hi, that torrents? Links

RE: Torrent stuck on - tears_of_fire - 11-12-2014

To wait and to be patient is always a good solution


RE: Torrent stuck on - UncleEddiot - 11-12-2014

I have no problem waiting. I was just asking what the deal was.

Here are a couple of the torrents that have stalled for a while.