A Stoner/Doom Metal band that makes songs inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, the occult, cosmic entities and Wizardry
"We are Wizard Cult, a stoner doom metal from Hamilton, Massachusetts. We chronicle the quest of
Solarian Ivixor The Wizard in Black, The Shadow Caster, The master of illusion in his quest to
become a god. We also write songs about various other subjects such as the works of H.P. Lovecraft."
It should be noted that these chaps also like boobs.
Length / Продолжительность: 00:30:20
01. Doom-God (06:38)
02. I am the Outsider (03:26)
03. The Wizard Walks (07:02)
04. **BONUS TRACK** Exuviation of the Incarnated/Augmentation of the Cognizance (30:20)
Length / Продолжительность: 00:18:01
01. Doom-God (06:58)
02. The Golden Mind: Part I (11:02)
Length / Продолжительность: 00:27:30
01. The Golden Mind Pt. I (10:24)
02. Doom-God (07:05)
03. Goat Demon (04:46)
04. Goat Demons (05:01)
05. Tape Over the Spin Doctors (00:12)