| 23/02/2016 11:47:43 | 23 | 455 (Взят - 847) 4 1 | 13/03/2025 05:35:46 | Проверен пользователем Veggr |
The Chapters / По главам: Yes Language / Язык: English Subtitles / Субтитры: No Video quality / Качество видео: DVD Sound quality / Качество звука: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound Length / Продолжительность: 03:10:00
 Video list / Список видео:
From Studio TVP Krzemionki, Kraków on October 7th, 2002 01. Intro 02. In Domine Sathana 03. You Are I 04. Quintessence 05. Thou Art Blind 06. Shadows Follow 07. Lex Talionis 08. King of a Stellar War 09. Middle Intro 10. The Sign of Evil Existance 11. Archon 12. After Dark I Feel 13. The Word Made End 14. Fgmenth, Thy Gift 15. Under the Name of the Legion 16. Outro
From 1996 gig: 01. Transform All Suffering into Plagues 02. Shadows Follow 03. Diastric Alchemy 04. A Dynasty from the Ice 05. The First Field of the Battle 06. King of a Stellar War
From a show in Athens in Gagarin Club on 8th February 2003: 01. In Domine Sathana 02. You Are I 03. Snowing Still 04. The Sign of Evil Existance 05. Under the Name of the Legion 06. Outro 07. Sorrowful Farewell
scapegoat, pemicope, pestbeule666, Marsound, ABAHACHI, Sergej120, El_Brujo, Jabukodonosor, JanneFiH, z10n, Ass and Ass, against03, xanatos72, Mountainking 13, bill4aston, Slayerofsouls, Artscald, KolaZoltan, andrescnk, anonimo666, peternorth, evildick, sylenoz, gorgoroth666, sandrolord, muratko, reymaldito, savmit, tobik, alexdamose, |
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