01. The Grey
02. Evidence Of A Desolate Planet
03. A Sanguine Moon
04. Suspended From The Cosmic Altaar
05. Designs Not Derived From Man
06. The Nine Patterns Of Anuu
07. Cycle Of Kings
08. Being Dissolved
09. Exposed Organics

01. Where Temples Are Older Than Trees
02. Implanted Genesis
03. Thwarting Dogma
04. The Oracle Room
05. Sovereign Symbol
06. Pareidolia
07. A Sentient Edifice
08. Neglected Megalith

Justin Buell - All instruments (ex-Decimator, ex-Prophecy Z14)
Pete Colucci - Vocals (Danny Tanner, Gukurahundi, Oseis, Goresmith, ex-Blodimys, ex-The Daemon Project, ex-Imperial Damage, ex-So I Shot Myself)