Length / Продолжительность: 00:50:40
Tracks / Треклист: 01. Hypocrisy 02. Masquerade 03. Run For Your Life 04. Phantom Of The Opera 05. Gates Of Hell 06. Wonder World 07. Man Of War 08. Symptom Of The Universe 09. Do You Think I'm Mad 10. Fire It Up 11. Kill The Beast 12. Shine On  band Chris Impellitteri - Guitars (Animetal USA, ex-Vice) Rob Rock - Vocals (Driver, Rick Renstrom, Rob Rock, ex-Fires of Babylon, ex-M.A.R.S., ex-Axel Rudi Pell, ex-Joshua Perahia, ex-Mistheria, ex-Warrior, ex-Gus G. (live), ex-Vice, ex-Angelica) James Amelio Pulli - Bass Jon Dette - Drums (ex-Apocalypse, Animetal USA, ex-Chaotic Realm, ex-Evildead, ex-HavocHate, ex-Killing Machine, ex-Meshiaak, ex-Testament, ex-Anthrax (live), ex-Heathen (live), ex-Iced Earth (live), ex-Metal Machine (live), ex-Slayer (live), ex-Terror, ex-Temple of Brutality, ex-Pushed)
Tiga, RodJohnson, level116, Boby002, Garik Man, KramerUSA, chuel, GJG2021, sonofanarchy, _Destroyer_, halfbreed, jlo222, Alocr, Marsound, joseang, Konn, TrueRainmaker, pericles132, Elektr0nik, marcaodsouza, AlekseyIvanov, kentor86, tan222, qshera, LordHeimdall, vazdu, xoctav, ElementoDiDisturbo, W6278896253, ARM59, mactheripper, Yoha, JankoJohnson, TheDLP, dmytryislayer, Valera12345, kiscsavo78, Vladworld979, Eddie47, steven, Dogfilles, Sigistrix, Jimmiz14, warre, ULP2018ULP, Fil2018, gonlop27, bizbi, Vlad4927, megatuck520, Bobafett1313, nosferatou, wow510, JanneFiH, Pintone, phrunobulax, Evolizer, Алексей евгеньевич, ЮRocks, UbuntuMetal, 8kopak8, yazvitskiy ef, schnolgi, VSvaleryVS, ricoko, Panzerbassen, lrimas1, robingub, Ortiz68, thee, cpu21, Janiba60, TheMarceloRocker, snegfly, sulejman90, AnRh, ohniesensei, fdr1969, veliksarr, Ipnos, karnab, karp1, lorddragon67, tanker177, Paul2016, bumbalumba, Ebjenushechka, Mc Coy, larobi, sergey1963, dronick, themistery, asti, Scallywag, dimon4960, kolovrat_62, paulricard, lyalinva, yfb08, юрген, suroja, Andreich, waldsky, DurceMetal, kallyadranoch, Metalmaloy, szanyibela, dialex, yakut1962, welder 1984, slammer442, lacy74, fuxo888888, 0672510157, fkinf300, kapex1664, Sixth666, kotipelto4000, alstorm71, Tarrodor, ltibor, RollinThunda, vovas150, darkpeople, Dawydoo, altandex, motley1, ozzy73, Godsnake, Metalchoub, Loudness42, pszicho, progmet, zenofilo, blackie1968, beerlover2412, cey, aalio, val14bush, sparky48, szenzar, Vosje, Crusader64, Slayerofsouls, myrath666, serj71, galusik5, TrakkaUPacciu, mateus777, wolf2, traka, tiseev1975, watnou, VOV2010, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, ritchieaxel, vamprose, vader1388, Leprosy974, impellitteri609, dc2142, chemaguada, alfred13, Kuntgrinder, filipos1973, chevrolet, John Heavenly, legolaseq, DBoss, lepage59, csulki, монстр 4466, cyberInFer, fizziu, tomazinio, Jholer2837, krentz, purplejane231, Xplorer, shwidchenko2, templarsteel, hrosik, pebbles1965, riojard, galuche, georgemetalhead, elkenuncadescansa, koldarra, generaldecore, maxmyt, luchito_bc, fanfan87, War Hammer, Craig701uk, TomJoad, themetal696969, alxcsrdbla, vincent56, monkeespank, prisma, Drummer44, kosmatus, Bairon73, alexey19700, dreamevil, OTAS, caccauk, gekud, EderMoura, agil2014, андрюшик, elguardiannegro, Pepeargento, SPARTAN, chyci, greatbone, lemodic, Beer Baron, drlucifer , destruction, destructionn, popeye, ksfsk, cyvra, DIMON77, Belzebuth, olegcap17, robi1967, Danieletto, Николай7711, kidmetal666 , rush68, yanitz, Perished1978, kacsa, Javyrocker, reinski, Freddi Kruger, evilbo666, profanus, muratko, bangmaster, cini65, Rourke, Valentii, everdarksoul, amos22, Shirka, gatemis, ravana, bisserman, demoneyezer, pinkcream69, baja, AligerO, 12Grave12, kabanito, alienface, siniy, kukliatka, leonidka59, ev0707, Gr27, Brutalgop, SHIDA, N73, |