Albums / Альбомы:
 2003 - Demo 2003 01 Battered, Butchered, Bagged And Buried 02 Incestuous Refiguration  2004 - Artistic Creation With Cranial Stumps (EP) 01 Slit Into Succulence 02 Ejaculating Obesity 03 Incestuous Refiguration 04 Visected In Vaginal Bile  2006 - Reek Of Pubescent Despoilment 01 Razorized Ball Gag 02 Larva Masturbation 03 Coprophilic Asphyxia 04 Gluttonous Portions of Intestinal Seepage 05 Torturous Impregnation by Fecalized Insemination 06 Fecal Stuffed Fuck Stumps 07 Reek of Pubescent Despoilment 08 Gurgling My Seminal Filth 09 Feminine Skin Suit 10 Adultration (Instrumental) 11 Sculpting Fragments of Mangled Cunt  2013 - Nourishing The Spoil 01 Inhaling Corpulency 02 Stainless Conception 03 Serrated Impurities 04 Nourishing the Spoil 05 Deadened Prior to Coitus 06 Coprophilic Asphyxia 07 Truncation in Detail 08 Voyeuristic Engagement 09 Clotting the Vacant Stare  2014 - Recreating The Stumps (Compilation) 01 Slit into Succulence 02 Ejaculating Obesity 03 Incestuous Refiguration 04 Visected in Vaginal Bile 05 Battered, Butchered, Bagged and Buried 06 Incestuous Refiguration 07 Larva Masturbation 08 Gluttonous Portions of Intestinal Seepage
Seeders would be appreciated! Great band!
Please seed \m/ !
Having trouble seeding, but I think I got it going.