| 12/12/2018 14:49:59 | 109 | 607 (Взят - 754) 3 0 | 01/02/2025 03:49:30 | Проверен пользователем lucifere |
Albums / Альбомы: 2005 - 彼岸花華 ~The View of Spiral Riverside~ (Split) 2006 - Shout at the Devil 2006 - 如臨深遠 ~雨縒煙柳~ 2006 - 朧夢紅月 ~Vaguely Dreams of Scarlet Fullmoon~ (Split) 2007 - Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo 2008 - 闡提宗祀 ~ Offering to the Sukhavati 2009 - 曼衍珠汝華 ~ Nada Upasana Pundarika 2011 - Begierde Des Zauberer 2012 - Tendre est la Mort 2013 - Le Grimoire De Reve 2015 - 愧人贖悪 ~ Evil People as the True Object of Salvation ~ 2016 - Lebenstrieb & Todestrieb 2017 - Determinism & Destrukction 2018 - 瑰狂鬱嵂
SIUL JURADO, iron1983, Wilcochuckle, Stargazer004, Freeman360, Marsound, joseang, cakeboy, iron the best, LeshracMorgawr, Sigistrix, JanneFiH, VSvaleryVS, snegfly, ramuhzero, Xarr, alucard2991, Gotthormson, Drkcore, ozzy73, firebiker, Vosje, elymetal, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, gagland, Arufred, kosmatus, Mundo , KeeperOfTerror, |
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Lots of japanese Power Metal bands, how wonderful!
Thanks so much for sharing!
New album pls...
waiting for new album