Oceanica - One Dark

Oceanica - One Dark
Стиль:Progressive Rock
Дополнительный:Progressive Metal
Формат:320 mp3
Размер:121.54 MB
Oceanica - One Dark
5/5 Голоса: 3
Добавлено:11/12/2019 15:12:00
Скачан:367 (Взят - 379) Раздал 0 Качает 0
Сид был:01/06/2024 22:03:16
Модерация:Проверен пользователем Metal Master
Length / Продолжительность: 00:52:52

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Youth
02. Overcome
03. All The Cool Kidz R Doin' It
04. Amounting To Nothing
05. Start From The Start
06. Oubliette
07. Got A Feeling
08. Towards The Sun
09. 8
10. Reverence
11. The Rose, Abloom
12. The Entangled Roots Of...
13. The Oblivion Tree


60  Австралия
2019-12-11 15:52:42

Thank U.......................{#grin.gif}

2020-01-14 01:25:12

Hi everyone,

I hope you are enjoying my album!

I notice some 250 people have downloaded it from here, in just half a month!

It is my serious hope that you'll support me, an independent artist, by buying the album officially or perhaps buying some merchandise so that I can continue to create and release music...and more importantly, not end up in severe debt every time I do!

These albums all take time, cost me a lot of what little money I have to do and more importantly cost me the mental effort to create the music.

I'm just a guy, writing music from his bedroom studio, who thought it would be nice to share his music with other people...and it would mean the world if even half of you bought the album, as that would mean I have at least recouped some of the money I spent in creating this record.

You can buy the album in a physical format here, as well as buy merchandise to help support me.


Bandcamp (digital download):


Thank you, metal community.

I hope you'll support me.

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