Gnaw Their Tongues - I Speak the Truth, Yet with Every Word Uttered, Thousands Die

Gnaw Their Tongues - I Speak the Truth, Yet with Every Word Uttered, Thousands Die
Стиль:Black Metal
Дополнительный:Experimental Metal
Формат:320 mp3
Размер:80.53 MB
Раздал:Madball74 Респект  Антиреспект
Gnaw Their Tongues - I Speak the Truth, Yet with Every Word Uttered, Thousands Die
4.22/5 Голоса: 3
Добавлено:21/04/2020 01:08:15
Скачан:649 (Взят - 688) Раздал 1 Качает 0
Сид был:03/02/2025 23:29:43
Модерация:Проверен пользователем gaul666
Length / Продолжительность: 00:35:03

Tracks / Треклист:
01. I Speak the Truth, Yet with Every Word Uttered, Thousands Die
02. Purity Coffins
03. White Void Black Wounds
04. To Rival Death in Beauty
05. Here Is No Corruption
06. Abortion Hymn
07. A Sombre Gesture in the Faint Light of Dusk
08. Shall Be No More


2022-01-30 09:17:05

Not their best work but look at the title of the songs. How on earth sb can put such beautiful words next to each other and makes a song tile like:

A Sombre Gesture in the Faint Light of Dusk

2023-05-03 20:17:45

Thanks a lot, i love this kind of music, and foud some material in here is amazing!

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