| 16/05/2020 18:11:45 | 84 | 464 (Взят - 303) 1 0 | 13/03/2025 05:18:36 | Проверен пользователем lucifere |
1991 - The Obvious Darkness (224 Kbps) 1992 - Waterking (EP) (VBR Mp3) 1993 - House of Sounds (320 Kbps) 1995 - Le Gift (320 Kbps) 1995 - Third Second (EP) (192 Kbps) 2002 - Can't Get You Out Of My Head (EP) (128 Kbps) 2002 - Essence Of A Decade (320 Kbps) 2004 - Chapter VI (VBR Mp3)
 Info In 1989 Heiko Mutert and Rüdiger Frank formed the band "Tors Of Dartmoor". After playing together at "Printed At Bismarck's Death" since 1986, the time had come for a musical change and reorientation. At the same time, H. Mutert worked as a keyboarder in the "Iceberg Model" formation. Because of the rehearsal room situation, the musicians got to know and appreciate each other. This resulted in the collaboration with Wolf Koch, then mastermind of the "Iceberg Model". It quickly became clear that the Mutert / Frank / Koch constellation worked perfectly as a unit. In the weeks before Christmas 1990 the first half of the long player 'The Obvious Darkness' was recorded in the Tucan recording studio. Initially intended as a demo, the recordings surprised everyone involved - not least the Nuremberg-based label "Hyperium Records". After the record label's approval, the band went back to the studio and completed 'The Obvious Darkness' in June 1991. One of the last tracks was the track 'Waterking', which is largely responsible for the success of the debut CD / LP. For the first release, a release tour was launched together with "Love Is Colder Than Death" and "Cancer Barrack", which led the band through Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Freiburg, Bochum and Jena (greetings to Alf - Casablanca rules ...).
An appearance in Gießen follows (a multimedia show with programmed projections and video recordings). 2005 and 2006: Several songs were recorded for CD compilations and tribute CDs. 2006: Participation in a Gothic festival near Paris. February 18, 2007: Another concert in Paris. This time in La Locomotive right next to the Moulin Rouge at the Festival de l’Erebe. 2007 to 2009: Design of the next project, a bow to the great gothic band Bauhaus with partly cover songs and partly own pieces in the sense of Bauhaus music So far this is unpublished. 2010 to 2014: Joint work on the implementation of Shakespears Richard III (a kingdom for a horse) into a Gothic rock opera. The implementation was planned at the MIR in Gelsenkirchen. 2015 to 2016: The steampunk opera "Klein Zaches, called Zinnober" is preferred to the Richard III project. Rüdiger Frank shines in the double role as E.T.A Hoffmann and as Klein Zaches at the music theater in Revels Gelsenkirchen. September 2017: highly acclaimed appearance of the Tors of Dartmoor at an anniversary festival of the label Syborgmusic near Markgröningen. 2019: Further studio recordings for the upcoming upcoming CD are planned for the summer, but the sudden death of the singer Rüdiger Frank initially puts many things into question.
Carlmcoy |
Hedoniste, vilenvilen, Marsound, TA78, MeTr59, Sigistrix, JanneFiH, kolobok455, myrath666, Artscald, KataPy, tristesir666, reymaldito, kreator1976, ev0707 |
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