Albums / Альбомы:
 2011 - The Cosmic Dead 01. The Black Rabbit 02. Spice Melange Spectrum 03. Infinite Death Of The Godhead 04. Father Sky, Mother Earth  2011 - Psychonaut 01. Lavinia (Mother Of Mystery) 02. The Spaceman 03. Eyes In The Mountains 04. Inner Circle 05. Adimite Obscuritatem 06. Serpent Coils The Earth 07. Astral Curvature 08. Psych Ashtray Aktion Mother 09. Fool & The Five Of Swords 10. Psych Ashtray Aktion Mother II  2012 - The Exalted King 01. The Exalted King 02. Anatta 03. Anaphora  2012 - Cozmik Live Aktion I 01. The Anteveludian Sky 02. Eye In The Pyramid 03. The White Rabbit 04. Astral Curvature 05. Von Wilhelm 06. Horus 07. Matagot 08. Hierophant Blues 09. The Invisible Fire 10. Bannerman's Cave  2012 - Cozmik Live Aktion II 01. The Anteveludian Sky 02. The Invisible Fire 03. Hierophant Blues 04. Matagot 05. Eye In The Pyramid  2013 - Djamba (Single) 01. Djamba  2013 - Inner Sanctum 01. Gustav Bjornstrand 02. The Mass Of Betelguese 03. Inner Sanctum 04. Hello, Satan  2013 - Orbiting Salvation 01. Solar Cycle Invocation 02. Orbiting Salvation 03. The Left Hand Path 04. Abouridha Kuhuk  2013 - Live At The Note 01. Djamba 02. Gravy Shoot 03. The Exalted Shoastmann  2014 - Easterfaust 01. Easterfaust I 02. Easterfaust II  2016 - Eccie Bam Yass E 01. Hull Ye 02. Yaldai Intention 03. Polis Fleein 04. Cousin Fae Drum 05. Buckfast Aye  2016 - Rainbowhead 01. Human Sausage 02. Skye Burial 03. Inner C 04. Rainbowhead  2017 - Psych Is Dead 01. Nuraghe (Edit) 02. Nuraghe 03. Psych Is Dead 04. #FW  2017 - Psych Is Live 01. Psych Is Dead #FW 02. DWYWTWYWT 03. Khartomb 04. OMJ Nuraghe  2019 - Scottish Space Race 01. Portal 02. Ursa Major 03. Scottish Space Race 04. The Grizzard
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